Sunday, September 26, 2010

Versaille and those damn wake up calls

Overslept again...the front desk did not give us our wake call but Tom and Cilla did. Woke up to a light knock and a sweet Bonjour. I responded thank you...heard a giggle and Tom bellowing wake up! It was 9:30 and we had asked for an 8:00 wake up call! We flew around and managed to make it down to the lobby at about 10:15...there went our early departure for Versaille. We rode the subway for the first time today...pretty much like the Italian trains. We got to Versaille at about noon...the same time 28,000 half marathoners got there from Paris! It was a zoo...took us an hour and a half to get in the front door to the Chateau. And we also had to endure a rain storm (thank goodness for my new raincoat).
 My God those French Kings lived lavishly...bought a book because it was so over the top. The gardens are spectacular! We returned at about 5:00, had a snack and then took the bus to Montmarte and the church, Sacre Couer. We got there at dusk and as we went through the chapel the lights of the city came on...breath taking church on top of the hill and the city spread out before us twinkling. It was lovely. We all wish we had more time to explore Paris...we must come back!
Tomorrow we do laundry in the morning and then we are off to Reims(they pronounce it like you have something in your throat and then say "ance"). We have a high speed train at 1:00.

The rench Raffetto's and French Chaffin's at Versaille

The Raffetto's kissing french style

The Chaffins enjoying the view

A portion of the gardens at Versaille

The fountain in the gardens at Versaille

Entrance gate at Versaille

View of a small portion of the west gardens at Versaille
Having a very cool and a little rainy. Cilla and I might need to visit a store or two, she didn't pack warm enough! Yahoo, I love having a shopper with me!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are having a great time! Can't wait to see pictures of all your adventures!! Love you all and miss you!
    Love, Ryann and boys :)
