Monday, September 27, 2010

Travel from Paris to Reims

Monument in downtown Reims

A restored building in Reims, 80% of the buildings were destroyed in WWII

A view of the cathedral in Reims

side view of the Cathedral in Reims
Did laundry this morning in Paris...quite nice really..clean and pretty quick. our camera bit the dust...wouldn't you know. Dar and Tom took off and tracked down a new has a European plug and all the instructions are in french...again the Rick Steves book comes in handy for translation of the directions!
We road a high speed train here...great landscapes and scenery... Rolling hills and lots of wooded areas. We walked around the town, seems Reims is not only known for champagne but also the treaties for WWI were signed here...lots and lots of history. met with the group at 5:00 and then had dinner. We are the young kids on the tour...that's the way I like it, makes me feel young!
Tomorrow we see the town and historical sites...afternoon champagne tasting!
Until tomorrow!

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