Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Louvre, the Orsay and Saint Chapelle

We started the day out one hour late...the good news is, Tom and Cilla were later than we were. We had agreed to meet at 8:00 for breakfast. I woke up, thinking it was very early so I checked Dar's watch...8:15! We scrambled to get ready, couldn't figure out the phone so Dar took off at 8:45 to meet Tom and Cilla for breakfast and apologize for our delay. When I got there 10 minutes later Dar was having breakfast by himself...Turns out Tom and Cilla woke up at 8:45. We regrouped at 9:30, they ate breakfast, we exchanged currency and purchased train tickets to Reims for Monday and then we were off to view Museums.
The french Raffetto's and Chaffin's outside the Louvre. Notice we now have black berets.

The Mona Lisa

Venus De Milo

Beautiful ancient greek statues

The winged Lady

The rose window of St. Chapelle
Our Rick Steves book came in real handy at the Louvre...we avoided the crowds and went in a side entrance...We saw the 3 great pieces of art, the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo and the winged lady...can't remeber her name right now, Tom has my tour book. We had lunch and took off for the Orsay. Kind of disappointed, they are renovating and a lot of their collection is on loan while that is happening. We saw some Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin, Renoir and Degas.
We then went to Saint Chapelle to see the stain glass. We were almost the last people they let in...matter of fact Dar didn't get in...he made a stop at the toilettes and they closed the door in front of him! That is another story that can wait until we get home but we did learn something...take extra toilet paper with you at all times! Heading out for dinner in about an hour! Another great day in the beautiful city of Paris!

1 comment:

  1. I bet the art work is beautiful. I've always wanted to see a few of those artists. Good job sleeping in...sounds like you all needed it and now maybe you'll be rested up! Thought you might want to know...bsu 24 Osu 10 at half time. Go broncos!
