Thursday, September 30, 2010

Colmar and the German influence

Colmar is in the Alsace region of France, just 20 miles from Germany. The germanic influence is strong here...much like the Dolomites in Italy. Think sauerkraut and sausage, dry white wine and pretty good beer.

We started the morning with a walk through the town. About 70,000 inhabitants but they have a city center that dates back to the 14th century. There is a canal system that goes right through the middle giving it a very Venetian feel. The flowers are beautiful...they standardly have their first freeze in late October. Geraniums are obviously their favorites.

Colmars city center

Tom and Cilla in front of museum

Altar polyptyque

Wine Barrels
We were able to see their bi-weekly market... colorful fruit, lots and lots of sausage and bread. We then took in their church, impressive cross hanging from the middle of the church with statues of Mary and their patron saint, St. Anthony hanging from the rafters beside Jesus. We then went to the museum. They have some beautiful 15th century altar artwork.

We then had lunch, the best french onion soup ever and off we went to tour Keysbergers, where Albert Schweitzerm was born. Lovely little town, smaller that Colmar with a rich history from WWII. It is hard to imagine that Allied tanks could even negotiate the skinny roads.

We then took a 45 minute walk through a beautiful vineyard. We actually tasted grapes off the vine, watched workers harvesting the grapes and our local guide, Jean Claude told us how to cut a grape plant, harvest grapes and what weatther conditions are best.

Lastly, we tasted Reisling, Pinot Blanc, Gerwerstreminer, and something else that completely slips my mind....might be the wine...!

Tom, Cilla, Dar and Mary in Keyeserberg

Pinot Noir grapes on the vine

In berets eating grapes

Rose bush at end of row of vines. Planted so that if there is some kind of disease t will show on the rose bush first.

More beautiful flowers

Owner of winery with his son
Great day! This is a lovely area, wish the weather were a little seems to hover around 60 to 63 degrees but rainy and damp. Just keeping the jacket and scarf on!

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