Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Colmar...pretty as a picture

Colmar has a canal system all the way through the town.

15th century building in downtown Colmar.

Market day in Colmar, the vegetables are beautiful

Anothe 15th century building, built by the butcher, his likeness is at the top
Floor the bus driver.
For all of you that went to Italy with us, think Kastelroot with a french twist. We are in Colmar, a sleepy french town very close to Germany. They love sauerkraut and sausage! We got here right at dark, we hit rush hour traffic in Strasbourg and that put our driver, Floor over his alotted time to drive so we had to spend 30 minutes at an autogrill. Floor is Danish and he speaks impeccable english but his eye sight must be bad, he thinks Dar looks like George Clooney! Stop laughing!
This is a town of about 70,000 people with a strong german influence. Many streets that are pedestrian only and the coolest thing is, there is a cathedral in the center of town that chimes on the hour...we can hear it from the hotel!
Had a great dinner, Tom licked his plate clean...seriously. We have been asked a few times to recount the story of the family trip to one can believe it...from Caleb to Pop and that we had 24 friends and family that wanted and could spend 19 days together! Which always makes me homesick. Hope you are all doing well and missing us as much as we miss you!
Tomorrow sounds great...we take a tour of the town, hit the local museum and then tour the wineries in the area in the afternoon. Nothing like a nice walk with fresh air, a taste of good art and incredible wine...should be a great day!

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