Friday, September 24, 2010

Food parisien style

Tom eating his gelato, all FIVE flavors

Dinner the first night in Paris, we are very tired!

One of many flower shops on the Rue Cler
Candy lips in the display case in the Chocolate shop in the lobby of Hotel du Cadran

Breakfast room in hotel
In case some of you don't know, Tom is on his own mission to eat his way across France...pretty much the same thing he did in Italy! Dar and I on the other hand intend to come back much more knowledgable about French wine. I think Cilla is easy enough to help all three of us meet our goals!
Today we ate lunch at one of those typical Parisien outside restaurants. Dar, the guy who knows no strangers (remind me to tell you about his new friend he met on the elderly gentleman from Paris) started talking to the woman next to him and pretty soon we had recommendations for tomorrows dinner! Tom ate steak and then proceeded to have, and I am not lying, a half gallon of gelato for dessert! Good thing we walked to the Eiffel Tower and then up to the second floor!
Did I mention there is a chocolate shop in the lobby of our hotel? My God the chocolates are too beautiful to eat...i will take pictures!
After walking a great deal with the very goal of just trying to stay awake all day, we succumbed to another beautiful outdoor cafe for dinner. Fantastic food...and really good wine! Dar is sound asleep and I am not far from it. Our first day in France has been more than we had ever hoped for. We were blessed with wonderful beauty, great people and pretty good weather! Off to bed...until tomorrow...arrividerci!


  1. Hi mom!
    I'm so glad you guys got there safe and sound. I knew I would be jealous, but I didn't expect it after your first posting! Sounds like you guys have a wonderful time ahead of you. I love the blogging...keep it up, but sleep well tonight.
    We love you guys,
    Angle and fam

  2. Well I am rooting for all of you, those are all respectable goals.... half gallon of gelato... wow!!! that is a start. Can't wait for the next day's events, have fun.
