Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Vaison la Romaine

What a beautiful little town in the Provence region of France. We arrived here yesterday after stopping in L'Orange. They have a roman theatre that is in incredible shape...we toured the Arena and then watched a film. On the way out we exited stage right...and accidentally came out on the stage...we immediately realized our mistake and Cilla came barreling out... Along with her came the saleswoman telling us to get our butt back in there...we left our mark on L'Orange!

We came into Vaison at dusk...this town not only has a roman ruins area but also has a midevil and modern area. We climbed the hill and we stayed the night in the 15th century neighborhood.

This morning we toured the roman ruins and Vaison also has a roman theatre...not as well in tact as L'Orange but none the less unique.

At 11:00 we met at the bus and off we went to our last wine tasting at Domaine de Mourchon. A beautiful winery that is run by a Scottish family. Walter, the father took us through the vines, talked about the grapes, then we watched a load of grenache grapes get dumped into the conveyor system to be cleaned, pressed and put into the vats. The family bought the winery 12 years ago and they actually built the wine making area. It is a wonderfully efficient process, we will show pictures later.

We had lunch in the garden of the main residence, drank great wine and petted their two dogs and three cats. Fantastic!

Another great day...this part of France reminds me of Italy, more mediterranean looking with Cypress trees and rolling hills.

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