Friday, October 8, 2010

The mediterranean

Nothing like the beautiful water of the mediterranean. The blue of the water is a cross between the color of glacier water and the color of the stone torquoise. Tom took the opportunity to swim immediately upon our arrival. The beach here is composed of rock, little flat rocks. No sand. Had there been sand it would be perfect.

Dar and Tom checked out the marina and all the huge yachts this morning. We understand that neighboring Monaco had a yacht festival within the last two weeks...we joked that the leftovers were here in Nice. There is a yacht/ship for sale in the marina, 183 ft long, Lady Christina. Evidently her owner fell in love with another ship and launched her last week.

Cilla and I hoofed it all over the old city of Nice to shop for last minute souvenirs. The french have a Target like store, the Monoprix that has become our home away from home. We have found some great buys but also toothpaste, hair spray and a French to US converter for our new French camera.

Nice has a strong Italian influence. It has only been part of France for a little over 100 years. The colors of the buildings are almost identical to the colors on the Italian Riviera.
At lunch today we ate risotto and pasta. It was fantastic!

We have seen other Italian influences, like Ferrari's, Versace and Vespas'.

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