Monday, October 4, 2010

Practicing Charades before traveling

It occurred to me on the bus yesterday that it would behoove a peraon traveling to a foreign country, especially one where you don't speak the language, to practice charades before leaving. On Saturday night after the front desk closed and I was getting ready for bed, we realized that housekeeping had forgotten to leave us towels. Not one towel, not even the bath mat. I washed my face, dripped dry for a little bit and then finally dried my face with toilet paper.

We had an early day on Sunday so I set the alarm for 6:30 and threw on my clothes to get towels. I beat the receptionist in and was waiting for her as she opened the door into the courtyard. She greeted me and then I proceeded to explain my predicament. She didn't understand. So, I tried charades. Have you ever had to explain with actions that you need towels? I did this patting on my arms, she looked perplexed. I then tried to show her by taking my hand and running it down my arm. I repeated the word many times and I think she put 2 and 2 together at that point.

We made it to the bus on time but no coffee or breakfast for us. So next time we travel we will practice charades for a few weeks before.

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